
How to Experience 斯特恩林's 2024 Summer Concert Series

这是贝博体彩app独特的夏季传统:斯特恩格罗夫系列音乐会. Amazing artists, beautiful scenery, and best of all, it's free!

斯特恩林 is a San Francisco summer tradition. Celebrating its 87th season, 游客和当地人都可以在这座城市最美丽的景点之一免费观看传奇表演. Yes, you read that right—FREE!

斯特恩格罗夫音乐节公布了即将到来的周日音乐会的阵容, which will run from 6月23日 to Aug. 25, 2024.

Here’s everything you need to know.

The History of 斯特恩林

今天, 斯特恩林, a natural amphitheater surrounded by giant eucalyptus, 红木, 还有冷杉树, is one of Northern California’s favorite concert sites. But it wasn't always like this. 在19世纪40年代,这里只是一片荒芜的沙丘和沼泽. 乔治·格林和他的家人是已知最早驯服这片土地的贝博体彩app人.

Decades later, in 1931, the land was purchased by Rosalie M. Stern, who gifted it to the city in memory of her husband, Sigmund. 夫人. 斯特恩宣布,该地点必须被保留为公园,公众可以在公园里享受免费音乐, 跳舞, 还有戏剧表演. Nearly 90 years later, her promise has been upheld!



Admission to each concert will remain free to the public, but tickets must be acquired online in advance. 下午两点.m. 12 days before each event, an online portal will be opened through www.sterngrove.org to offer free passes on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Guests are welcome to bring their food and beverages to enjoy.


音乐会的日期 & 表演者

All concerts for the 2024 season will begin at 2 p.m. 表演者 are subject to change without notice.


The 2024 season kicks off with Tegan and Sara, a Canadian indie pop duo made up of twin sisters Tegan and Sara Quin. 以其独特的和声和内省的歌词而享誉全球, their music delves into themes of love, 身份, 个人成长.


洛杉矶的“奇卡诺蝙蝠侠”(Chicano Batman)乐队有着高度的音乐想象力. 他们鲜明的音乐性在歌词中注入了深情而坚定的诚实.


The San Francisco Symphony, under the leadership of Conductor Edwin Outwater, 将演奏沃尔夫冈·阿玛迪斯·莫扎特的《贝博体彩》. 41", "Jupiter", and Aaron Copland's "An Outdoor Overture". The performance will also feature Broadway star Jessica Vosk, who will be singing a selection of songs inspired by California.


The Commodores, celebrated for their R&B classics such as "Just to Be Close to You,”“简单,和“布里克豪斯”," stood as one of Motown's premier bands, 拥有包括50多张专辑和众多排行榜冠军的曲目.


Masego is an artist who combines introspection with extroversion, 幽默的爱, and skilled musical technique. You may know him from the hit song, "Tadow". 


通过他们的灵魂,弗兰克·穆迪在他们的粉丝中广受欢迎, 恐慌, 还有宇宙迪斯科的声音, 他们在几个EP项目和2020年发行的首张专辑中展示了这些.


Alex G is the stage alias of Alex Giannascoli, 一个歌手, 作曲家, 他是一位多乐器演奏家,他以亲密的低保真流行音乐而闻名,这种流行音乐结合了强烈的旋律敏感性和粗糙的节奏, impulsive-sounding performance style.


赫比·汉考克是一位先驱人物,他帮助创造了爵士乐中开创性的声音. 在20世纪70年代,他发行了破纪录的专辑,将电子爵士与放克和摇滚结合在一起. 他还在《贝博体彩app》和《贝博体彩app》中尝试了电子舞曲的声音,同时继续与V合作.S.O.P.


露辛达·威廉姆斯是一位著名的歌手/词曲作者,以其强烈的独立音乐风格而闻名. 蓝调、民谣、乡村和摇滚激发了她朴实但情感强大的歌词. 尽管被拿来与其他音乐家相比,但她的执行力和表演却独树一帜.

8月24日 & 25 -大野餐

今年的最后一季将比你所经历的更大更精彩! 有史以来第一次, 大野餐, the festival's annual end-of-season fundraising event, 将持续两天. 这个活动是斯特恩格罗夫成功的关键,并有助于支持其提供免费音乐会和艺术教育项目的使命. 

8月24日 - Sylvan Esso and Poolside

Sylvan Esso是一个独立电子二人组,以其迷人的旋律而闻名, 复杂的节拍, 还有深情的歌声. 这对二人组合将民间灵感的抒情与脉动的电子节奏无缝地融合在一起, creating a sound that is both infectious and thought-provoking.

In 2011, 池畔开始为夏季晚会制作适当的冷音乐, 一种轻快但可跳舞的音乐,带有阳光的共鸣和流动的节奏,他称之为“日间迪斯科”."


Chaka Khan defines what it means to be an icon. The world celebrated her induction into the Rock & 将于2023年入选名人堂,标志着令人难以置信的50年音乐卓越. Honored with 10 Grammy Awards, her hits have transcended music genres, embodying the essence of pop, 灵魂, 爵士乐, 福音, 经典, 和恐慌.


Additional 斯特恩林 Tips

Want to make the most of your 斯特恩林 experience? Here are a few insider tips:

  • 而位于第19大道和斯洛特大道拐角处的主入口很容易找到, there are additional entrances along Wawona Street to the north. 这些不那么拥挤的入口可以让你更快地进入并找到座位.
  • 你会想要最好的早鸟游戏,因为斯特恩格罗夫的座位是一般入场. All entrances open at noon on concert days.
  • 你知道吗? 斯特恩林 has a bike valet? 他们所做的! Forget the hassle of parking your car and take your bike there instead. 另外,当音乐会结束时,你可以沿着附近的高速公路欣赏风景.
  • Parking in the neighborhood will be tough on concert days. We encourage you to use public transit or ride shares. 然而,如果开车是唯一的办法,那就用自己的车吧 SpotHero to reserve parking ahead of time.
  • If you'd rather not sit on a blanket or low-profile lawn chair, there are picnic tables that can be reserved. Picnic table seating is available with a donation of $1,除8月24日和25日的大野餐外,所有音乐会的门票均为500张或以上. For more information, email (电子邮件保护)
A woman sings at 斯特恩林.


斯特恩林 has partnered with San Francisco's local CBS affiliates, KPIX和KBCW, to livestream nearly every one of this year's concerts.



泰勒是老大. Manager of Global Content & Communications at San Francisco Travel. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, 为巨人队加油. 


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