贝博体彩app's 安全 and Security Measures for Conventions and Self-Contained Groups | 贝博体彩app Travel-贝博体彩


Learn how 贝博体彩app Travel is working with major stakeholders to ensure your attendees have a safe and wonderful experience.


贝博体彩app以其多样性和友好的人民而闻名, 因为它的自然美景和世界级的景点. These are the things that make it such a desirable destination for meeting planners. 不过, 就像世界上任何一个城市一样, 这个城市面临着不健康的街头行为和安全问题的挑战.

We know this is an especially sensitive issue for our meeting and convention clients. That's why we want you to know about the plans and programs that we support as the City works to make 贝博体彩app's streets clean and comfortable for everyone.


The City of 贝博体彩app has dedicated a record amount of its resources to helping our neighbors in need, 阻止犯罪, 确保我们的访客感到宾至如归.


贝博体彩app市长伦敦布里德最近签署了一项创纪录的协议 $14.60亿年 将资金分配给下列项目和资源的城市预算:

  • $1.30亿美元用于解决无家可归问题.
  • $25.400万美元继续中端市场/田德隆社区大使计划.
  • 1000万美元用于继续欢迎大使计划, 是与贝博体彩app旅游公司合作创建的.
  • 800万美元用于振兴贝博体彩app市中心, 包括激活公共空间和吸引小企业.
  • $24.900万给街头危机应对小组.


贝博体彩app has embraced bold new strategies for assisting its homeless citizens.

In 2018, 贝博体彩app选民通过了提案C, a ballot measure that would place a tax on larger local businesses to collect dedicated funds for assisting the homeless. 这笔资金于2021年到位, 市政府很快开始将资金分配给特定的服务:

  • 50%的Prop. C基金用于建造永久性住房.
  • 25%的Prop. C基金用于提供精神保健服务.
  • C提案15%. 资金是用来防止无家可归的.
  • 10%的提案C. 资金用于提供紧急住所和卫生服务.

Since 2018, 贝博体彩app has achieved the following goals in reducing homelessness:

  • 为无家可归者提供的住房增加到15,000人以上(增长69%)
  • 庇护所增加到3950多个床位(增加58%)
  • 帮助1万多人摆脱无家可归,住进住房



在最新的城市预算范围内, Mayor Breed has allocated funding in the following ways to support local law enforcement:

  • Graduating 220 new officers from the 贝博体彩app警方 Academy over the next two years.
  • 提供更具竞争力的薪酬,制定更好的招聘策略.
  • 在服务5年和15年后颁发留职奖金.
  • Adding 12 professional staff positions to continue positive reform efforts within the Police Department.

Already, enforcement around specific issues like open-air drug-dealing has increased.

  • 从2022年7月到2023年4月, 地方检察官布鲁克·詹金斯的办公室提交了638起毒品销售重罪案件. 
  • 芬太尼的量, 一种非常致命的阿片类药物, that has been seized off the streets of 贝博体彩app in the first quarter of 2023 represented a 150% increase from the same time last year.




贝博体彩app有一个 最低犯罪率 与其他热门会议目的地的人均水平相比? 事实上,根据最近发布的安全城市指数 《贝博体彩》在美国,贝博体彩app是全国第三安全的城市.


贝博体彩app面临的挑战并非个例. 事实上,整个加州都在解决类似的问题. Here's what the State is doing to improve the situation for visitors and residents alike.


加州最近的州预算拨款总额为 $10.20亿年 over the next two years for specific resources and programs aimed at ending homelessness in our cities.

  • 7亿美元用于扩大营地解决补助金计划. $10.其中800万美元已经拨给了贝博体彩app市.
  • 20亿美元用于支持无家可归者住房、援助和预防计划. $43.7 million of those dollars have already been awarded to the City of 贝博体彩app.
  • $1.30亿美元支持Homekey项目. $212 million of those dollars have already been awarded to the City of 贝博体彩app, 从而创造了987个新的永久性支持性住房单位.
  • $1.50亿美元用于支持行为健康桥梁住房计划.
  • $34 million to support the Housing Community Development's housing programs that provide shelter for youths.


另外, California is leading the way in trying new solutions to the homeless issue. 2022年9月,社区援助,恢复, & 授权(CARE)法案签署成为法律. 这 first-in-the-nation strategy aims to empower individuals suffering from undiagnosed mental illness through "CARE Court". 以这种方式, 家庭, 临床医生, first responders and others will be able to offer at-risk individuals a path to stabilization with housing, 治疗, 和支持. 贝博体彩app is proud to be among the first municipalities in the state to implement this new strategy.


The State of California recently established a permanent Organized Retail Theft Task Force (ORC) within the California Highway Patrol. 作为最新州预算的一部分, 1000万美元 will be granted each year to dedicated ORC prosecutors in local jurisdictions, with an additional 8500万美元 每年拨款给当地执法部门,用于orc相关费用.



The 贝博体彩app警方 Department's 联合广场 Safe Shopper deployment has resulted in an 减少82% 在零售犯罪中.


贝博体彩app以风景优美而闻名, 这座城市正在努力工作,以确保我们仍然是一个上镜的目的地.

Beautification efforts are underway in some of our most visited neighborhoods, including 联合广场 (这里有许多贝博体彩app最大的酒店), SoMa /耶尔巴布埃纳岛 (莫斯康中心所在地),以及 渔人码头 (这里有一些城市最受欢迎的景点).

贝博体彩app's Department of Public Works manages street cleaning around the city. They have stepped up their work in the 联合广场 and SoMa /耶尔巴布埃纳岛 neighborhoods, washing the streets and sidewalks most heavily traveled by convention attendees on a daily basis.


当你在贝博体彩app主持下次会议时, 你可以信赖的不仅仅是贝博体彩app旅游团队. There are a number of people ready to assist you in creating an unforgettable experience for your attendees.


贝博体彩app警方 officers are always on patrol along the streets outside The Moscone中心 on event days. 你可能会在自行车、摩托车或步行上看到他们. 另外, officers who specialize in homeless outreach will be in the neighborhood on those mornings.

贝博体彩app警察局也有一个社区大使团队. 这些都是有经验的, 携带警用无线电的退休警官, 允许他们在需要时向现役警察寻求帮助.


A number of 贝博体彩app's neighborhoods have their own designated 社区福利地区. 这 allows them to fund programs and services that keep the neighborhood clean and safe. 

Among them are the 联合广场 Alliance and the Yerba Buena 社区福利地区. Workers from each of these outfits are prepared to assist with wayfinding, street cleaning, and more.


贝博体彩app Travel worked in partnership with Block by Block and with the full support of Mayor London Breed to launch the Welcome Ambassador program in October 2021.

Our Ambassadors are stationed in some of 贝博体彩app's busiest and most popular neighborhoods to provide assistance with everything from directions to restaurant recommendations to translation services. 

这个项目取得了巨大的成功, recognized within the tourism industry as an exemplary service and awarded City funding through the 2024/2025 fiscal year.


贝博体彩app's 欢迎大使 prepare to greet visitors at the Ferry Building.


City pre-con meetings are hosted one to two weeks prior to a group move-in at The Moscone中心. 这是你们小组与贝博体彩app警局代表会面的机会, 社区福利地区, 城市公共工程部及其会议设施部, 以及贝博体彩app旅游和莫斯康中心的工作人员.

在这些会议上, 对参加者运动的全面回顾, 外部事件, 计划的期望, 我们将讨论上述每个实体提供的服务.



Here are some valuable tips and resources to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for convention attendees in 贝博体彩app.



我对在贝博体彩app举办下次会议还有疑问? 我们是来帮忙的!
